Bishara Dorre shares experience of visit to troops overseas
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Many Milwaukee Bucks and Brewers fans have come to know the three FOX Sports Wisconsin girls.
Bishara Dorre is an avid sports fan who grew up in Milwaukee and went to Wauwatosa East High School. She has a degree in broadcast journalism from Columbia College in Chicago.
After dancing for the Bucks for three years, Dorre landed the job that she calls an incredible experience.
Dorre was also blessed with the experience of a lifetime when she was one of the FOX Sports Wisconsin girls from across the country to be chosen to go to Germany to help FOX Sports bring spring training to our troops there. She made the five-day trip with Major League stars, hall of farmers and FOX broadcasters.
Calling our troops brave and selfless, Dorre called the experience overseas eye-opening -- a memory she'll cherish for a lifetime.