Brett Favre teases "coming back to play" during Hall of Fame Parade
CANTON, Ohio -- The day has come -- Brett Favre will be inducted in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. But first, a parade.
The giant float that cleared the way for the Hall of Fame Parade didn't start its long trek through the streets of Canton, until 8:00 a.m.

The parade began two hours after Burlington's Aaron Ketterhagen was in place, but he didn't mind the wait -- it gave him time to reminisce on his favorite Brett Favre moments.

"Him to (Andre)Rison in the Super Bowl. That pass, it was awesome," said Aaron.
Aaron grew up a Packers fan, he remembers the bad times.
"There were some tough 30 years there," said Aaron.
When his son and daughter-in-law invited Aaron and his wife, Amy, to Canton, it was a no brainer for the passionate Brett Favre fan.

"I'm going to be proud of him. Proud of the Packers. I loved watching him, he was so exciting," said Aaron.
Favre would be the main course in the football buffet marching in front of them -- appetizers like Packers great, Jim Taylor, and balloon floats galore.

Local high school bands were also in the parade, just in case it wasn't quite Americana enough.
With his high school band blocking for him, the gunslinger himself emerged -- his wife, Deanna, riding shotgun.
The Ketterhagen's were on their feet.

"Never seen him that close, was worth the seven-hour trip," said Aaron.
Down the road, Favre was making similar memories for others who lined the route, soaking it in, loving the love -- and still playing with us one more time.
FOX6's Ted Perry: "How great is this Brett?"

Brett Favre: "It's pretty awesome, I think I'm going to go back and play."
And that smile, as if to say he's joking. Although some wouldn't mind if he weren't.