Figure skater Sarah Godfrey wants to be on synchronized skating team

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Sarah Godfrey is homeschooled, and is a figure skater. She says she has been skating since she was nine years old.

As for her role models on the ice, Godfrey cites anyone who is better than her.

"Anyone who has more skills -- anyone with dedication, who works hard," Godfrey said.

Godfrey says when it comes to figure skating, she likes the fact that there's always something to work on.

"You can always improve anything that you're doing," Godfrey said.

As for her future, Godfrey has her eyes set on UW-Madison -- and would like to go into the engineering field.

"I've been interested in solar energy because I think it's a cool concept," Godfrey said.

In college, Godfrey would like to be a part of a synchronized skating team.

Because of her dedication on and off the ice, Godfrey is a FOX6 High School Hot Shot.