Germantown powerlifter 'boggles her mind' by joining U.S. team

She was a five-sport athlete, but after watching her older brother powerlift, she completely changed her focus and is now one of the best lifters in the country.

That's what makes Germantown's Bella Gelhaar this week's FOX6 High School Hot Shot.

"I was introduced, kinda like, my brother," said Gelhaar. "So he did it his freshman year. My parents just said to me, we think you should try it. We think you would like it. I actually didn't know anything about it until my brother."

Gelhaar said that when she first started her freshman year, she could barely lift the bar.

She had to do a lot to her form in order to get better as a lifter.

Gelhaar's personal record for the squat is 455 pounds, 250 pounds on the bench, and 390 pounds for her deadlift.

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"It boggles my mind, yeah," Gelhaar said. "A little bit. I still am like sometimes, wow. Can't believe that right now as a 17-year-old that is how much I am lifting."

With the progress that Gelhaar has made, she is now traveling the world.

The Germantown native will be heading out to Turkey for the world championships.

"I see powerlifting as being part of my life for a really long time," said Gelhaar. "Not necessarily as a powerlifter in college. But just still supporting my previous team and everyone that has supported me."

SportsHigh School Hot Shots