Marquette star now teaching basketball | FOX6 Milwaukee

Marquette star now teaching basketball

Her name is Marquette basketball royalty, but Coach Chloe Marotta is on a first-name basis with some lucky seventh graders. 

Chloe Marotta followed her dad and her brother onto the court to represent Marquette University. She became one of the best rebounders in school history. Her competitive fire is not too far below the surface, even in her new role. 

Marotta is coaching Club 52 for a modified club schedule. Her girls have lots of interests at this stage of life. So four weekend tournaments in one location is a winning format for the summer. Marotta cannot help but see herself out on the court. 

"I do, I do. There are some girls that are really scrappy and run around, and have a lot of energy. And I'm like, yeah, that definitely was me when I was young. And they'll lose focus sometimes, and be looking in the sky and that was also me. So sometimes I have to remember that," Marotta said. 

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As a high-level college program, Marquette was always looking for any advantage it could find through its players. Marotta is extended that to her team when it comes to body language, attitude, and persistence. 

"At Marquette, it was about learning to be a better person, over just being a better player. So I'm trying to now preach that to them. And if you can learn that in seventh grade, as opposed to maybe a junior in college, you're going to be pretty good," Marotta said. "So I'm hoping to get that message across to them as best I can. 

Marotta might wind up doing some serious coaching down the road, but this is a short-term deal this summer. She is not reach to give up being coached just yet – and will be playing professionally overseas this fall. 

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