Milwaukee County supervisor calls for 'sound study' of The Rock Sports Complex

FRANKLIN, Wis. -- A Milwaukee County supervisor is requesting the Milwaukee County Parks Department conduct a sound study of The Rock Sports Complex in Franklin.

John Weishan planned to introduce a resolution calling for the sound study at Wednesday’s 1 p.m. meeting of the Audit Committee.

A news release from Weishan's office says The Rock Sports Complex has been "a point of frustration for area residents due to excessive sound levels from music concerts and light pollution from nighttime sporting events."

The release goes on to say in 2017, Milwaukee County sold the Crystal Ridge landfill to the developer of Ballpark Commons and agreed to a lease of adjacent parkland in Greenfield that includes a ski hill. That agreementstipulated that the County and The Rock jointly “recognize the concerns of neighboring property owners, and realize that additional recreational use of the site will require added infrastructure to mitigate noise and light impacts on adjacent neighborhoods.”

The 2017 lease agreement included a “Noise and Light Addendum” that requires the developer to comply with a Noise and Light Mitigation Plan, Noise and Light Standards and Development Plan, and Noise and Light Compliance Plan.

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