Man’s best friend provided support for Milwaukee Vincent football

On Friday nights, you can find Hawkeye the pit bull roaming the sidelines.

"He's just been everything for me," said Tommy Medrow.

Hawkeye is an emotional support dog for Medrow, an assistant football coach for Milwaukee Vincent. The pair are a packaged deal.

"Through ups and down in my life, he's pulled me through some dark times and really helped me get through some stuff," said Medrow.

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Medrow got Hawkeye about seven or eight years ago from Feathers and Fur Animal Rescue in Kewaskum. They’ve been inseparable ever since.

"We knew each other," said Medrow. "He let me rub his belly the day after I got him."

When Medrow started coaching the Vikings this year, he decided to bring Hawkeye with him to games, just for himself. Sure enough, Medrow’s dog started to grow on his players.

"We pet him, hug him, anything like that," said Javarie Johnson, Milwaukee Vincent junior defensive lineman.

(FOX6 News Milwaukee)

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"A dog can motivate you," said Keylon Stewart, Milwaukee Vincent freshman nose guard. "You know how you see a dog happy, jumping up on you, and it can motivate you to play harder."

Whenever Hawkeye is needed, he’s there.

"You know, he sits by the bench, sits by the players," said Medrow. "We had a kid who was injured last week, and he sat by him the whole time."

That injured player was senior receiver Marquail Thomas.

"He immediately came and sit down with me, and he was just barking at people so nobody would come near me and I really appreciate that," said Thomas.

Man’s best friend provides some love and support for those who need it most.

"We don't know what anybody's been through," said Medrow. "One of the greatest confidants you’ll have in the world is a dog. Dog's not going to tell anybody what you told them. Sometimes, you know, the five minutes with a dog can be the only peace a kid has."

For these Milwaukee Vincent players, the affection from their four-legged friend means the world.

"I don't think we'd be here right now without him because he keeps the morale so high up and he keeps people so focused, and you know, it's just a smile on their faces at all times," said Johnson.

Hawkeye’s service goes beyond the football field. He goes to the VA with Medrow and has even done some reading events with kids. Medrow also started a Facebook page called Team Hawkeye.

"We try and help out rescue dogs in the community and in January, we teamed up with MADACC," said Medrow. "We're starting a program called Hawkeye's Heroes where Team Hawkeye will purchase rescue dogs from MADACC to give to veterans in need of companionship to try and stem all the veteran suicides that are happening throughout the country."

A special dog, bringing out lots of smiles wherever he goes.

"It means a lot to just help," said Medrow. "That's why I'm here, and to show these kids that sometimes, hey, this is what a pit bull really is. This is what a good dog can do for you."


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