Fauci: US should consider vaccine mandate for US air travel

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said the U.S. should consider a vaccination mandate for domestic air travel, signaling a potential embrace of an idea the Biden administration has previously eschewed, as COVID-19 cases spike.

Milwaukee Christmas COVID test lines long

Milwaukee lines for COVID tests are long with booster shots and tests on the travel checklists of many visiting family this holiday season.

Omicron variant in Milwaukee County man, vaccines pushed

The omicron variant has been confirmed in Wisconsin. A Milwaukee County man tested positive for the COVDI-19 strain following a trip to South Africa. Health officials and the governor are weighing in on this development, urging people to get vaccinated.

Wisconsin COVID patients pack hospitals, no omicron yet

Patients with COVID-19, most of them unvaccinated, are packing Wisconsin hospitals at levels not seen for a year, a worrying development even before the new omicron variant has been detected in the state, health care leaders said Thursday.