Home Depot employees honored for work with veterans

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Some Home Depot employees were honored on Wednesday, February 13th for what they are doing outside of work.At a ceremony at an area store, officials from the Center for Veterans Issues and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett recognized the company for its work with Milwaukee veterans.The CVI supports the returning soldiers with benefits and housing to help them transition back to everyday life -- and those houses occasionally need maintenance."Because we have these facilities, they need maintenance on a continuous basis, and Home Depot stepped forward to assist us with not only the repair of some facilities, but the provision of materials to do the repair work," Robert Cocroft with CVI said.These workers donated more than 1,000 man hours helping at events at the CVI facilities.

UW-Madison researchers looking for participants for PTSD study

MADISON (WITI) -- Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are encouraged to participate in a wellness study to help scientists discover new evidence-based strategies for returning service members adjusting to life after combat.

Operation Troops and Tails

Fox6's Ashley Sears celebrated Veterans Day by playing with puppies and kittens.