VP Pence defends immigration agency, rips Democrats

WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike Pence on Friday defended federal immigration authorities against what he called "spurious attacks," accusing Democrats of making opposition to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement central to their party.In an address at ICE headquarter infused with electoral politics, Vice President Pence noted that some prominent Democrats had called for the abolition of ICE, the agency charged with detaining and deporting migrants entering the country illegally.

President Trump signs executive order to keep families together at border

WASHINGTON -- Bowing to pressure from anxious allies, President Donald Trump abruptly reversed himself Wednesday and signed an executive order halting his administration's policy of separating children from their parents when they are detained illegally crossing the U.S. border.It was a dramatic turnaround for President Trump, who has been insisting, wrongly, that his administration had no choice but to separate families apprehended at the border because of federal law and a court decision.The news in recent days has been dominated by searing images of children held in cages at border facilities, as well as audio recordings of young children crying for their parents — images that have sparked fury, question of morality and concern from Republicans about a negative impact on their races in November's midterm elections.Until Wednesday, the president, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and other officials had repeatedly argued the only way to end the practice was for Congress to pass new legislation, while Democrats said President Trump could do it with his signature alone.

In Peru, VP Pence defends Syrian strike to Latin America allies

LIMA, Peru  — Thousands of miles from home, Vice President Mike Pence was thrust into a new, more immediate, role on the world stage Saturday: explaining President Donald Trump's military strike in Syria to a summit of Latin America leaders.Hours after President Trump hailed the missile strike targeting the Syria's suspected chemical weapons — tweeting, "Mission Accomplished!" — Pence defended the president while building support among U.S. allies for the joint strikes with Britain and France."The objective of the mission the commander in chief gave our military forces and our allies was completely accomplished — with swift professionalism," Pence told reporters, noting there were "no reported civilian casualties."Later, speaking in a cavernous hall of world leaders at the Summit of the Americas, Pence expressed gratitude to Canada, Colombia and other nations that had voiced support for the strike and urged "every nation in this hemisphere of freedom" to support the military action.Pence's to-do list included smoothing over differences with Mexico, America's southern neighbor, amid unease over President Trump's decision to send troops to the border and harsh rhetoric on immigration.

After South Korea visit, VP Mike Pence insists 'no daylight' on North

ABOARD AIR FORCE TWO — Vice President Mike Pence's efforts to keep North Korea from stealing the show at the Winter Olympics proved short-lived, drowned out by images of the two Koreas marching and competing as one -- and as the South appeared to look favorably on warming ties on the Korean Peninsula, Pence insisted Saturday, Feb. 10 "there is no daylight" among the United States and allies South Korea and Japan in intensifying pressure on the North over its nuclear and missile programs.Pence spent the days leading up to the Pyeongchang Olympics warning that the North was trying to "hijack the message and imagery" of the event with its "propaganda." But the North was welcomed with open arms to what South Korean President Moon Jae-in called "Olympic games of peace."It was the U.S. that appeared to be the one left in the cold, especially after the sister of the North Korean dictator extended an invitation from her brother for Moon to visit the North.

Pence says troops should not have to worry about shutdown, says "stay focused on your mission"

WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike Pence is making his fourth visit to Israel, returning to a region he's visited "a million times" in his heart.An evangelical Christian with strong ties to the Holy Land, Pence this time comes packing two key policy decisions in his bags that have long been top priorities for him: designating Jerusalem as Israel's capital and curtailing aid for Palestinians.Pence departed as scheduled Friday evening as U.S. lawmakers sought to avert a federal government shutdown at midnight.

Vice Pres. Pence's Mideast trip still on as government shutdown looms

WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike Pence is making his fourth visit to Israel, returning to a region he's visited "a million times" in his heart.An evangelical Christian with strong ties to the Holy Land, Pence this time comes packing two key policy decisions in his bags that have long been top priorities for him: designating Jerusalem as Israel's capital and curtailing aid for Palestinians.Pence departed as scheduled Friday evening as U.S. lawmakers sought to avert a federal government shutdown at midnight.

'Make America Gay Again' sign greets VP Mike Pence in Colorado

ASPEN, Colo. — Neighbors of the home where Vice President Mike Pence has been staying in Colorado this week have a message.They've placed a rainbow-colored banner on a stone pillar at the end of the driveways to both homes near the posh ski resort of Aspen.

Vice President Mike Pence makes surprise visit to Afghanistan for war meetings

KABUL, Afghanistan — Cloaked in secrecy, Vice President Mike Pence made an unannounced trip to Afghanistan on Thursday to meet with Afghan leaders and visit U.S. troops, arriving four months after President Donald Trump outlined a new strategy to break the stalemate in America's longest war.Pence's surprise pre-Christmas visit was the first to the war-torn country by either Pres.

"The country is praying for you:" VP Pence takes part in vigil for Texas church shooting victims

SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas — Authorities have reviewed video from inside the small-town Texas church where a gunman killed more than two dozen people, including footage that shows the assailant shooting victims in the head during Sunday services, a U.S. official said Wednesday.The official's account of the video is consistent with statements made by survivors of the attack.

VP Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after anthem protests: "Respect the Flag"

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana -- Vice President Mike Pence left the 49ers-Colts game after about a dozen San Francisco players took a knee during the national anthem Sunday, the latest move by President Donald Trump's administration to clash with NFL players over patriotism and public demonstrations.The former Indiana governor flew in so he could watch Peyton Manning's jersey retirement ceremony.

Vice Pres. Mike Pence pledges that US will go to the moon, Mars and beyond

WASHINGTON — Seated before the grounded space shuttle Discovery, a constellation of Trump administration officials used soaring rhetoric to vow to send Americans back to the moon and then on to Mars.After voicing celestial aspirations, top officials moved to what National Intelligence Director Dan Coats called "a dark side" to space policy.