Evers: Vetoing entire state budget is an option

Gov. Tony Evers refused to rule out the possibility of vetoing the entire state budget that's currently being written by a Republican-controlled legislative committee.

Black Historical Society Museum funding stripped

One item that didn't make the 2021 state budget is the Wisconsin Black Historical Society Museum. Funding was stripped, but supporters are now rallying behind the Milwaukee institution.

Wisconsin governor praises mask guidelines by CDC

Gov. Tony Evers on Friday praised new federal guidelines that relaxed mask restrictions for people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19, and he said his administration will review whether it is safe for state workers to return to their offices.

Gov. Evers: Listening to people, not GOP lawmakers

Gov. Evers said Thursday that he hasn't met with Republican legislative leaders to discuss his $91 billion state budget proposal because he's listening to what the people of Wisconsin want.