Election 2022: Gov. Evers vs. Tim Michels on education

On Nov. 8, Wisconsin voters will grade candidates for governor on education, and about 88% of Wisconsin voters surveyed in the recent Marquette University Law School Poll said they’re concerned about public schools.

Public school funding: Evers vs. Michels

Gov. Tony Evers on Tuesday called for spending nearly $2 billion more on public K-12 schools, while his opponent, Tim Michels, supports school voucher eligibility for all students

Evers pitches tax cut, Michels tours Kenosha

Kenosha burned two years ago Tuesday, Aug. 23. The riots erupted after a police officer shot and paralyzed Jacob Blake. Republicans are using it to hammer Democratic Governor Tony Evers. The governor defended his response and presented a new plan to cut taxes ahead of November's election.

Evers wants tax cut, Michels tours Kenosha

Kenosha burned two years ago Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2020. The riots erupted after a police officer shot and paralyzed Jacob Blake. Republicans are using it to hammer Democratic Governor Tony Evers. The governor defended his response and presented a new plan to cut taxes ahead of November's election.