Greendale Tops Whitnall in Woodland Clash

Greenfield (WITI) -- A Battle of the two top teams in the Woodland Conference took place Friday night as Greendale, tops from the West, traveled to Whitnall, tops in the East.

High School Blitz Game of the Week

We're cruising into week seven of the High School Football season.And the FOX6 High School Blitz Game of the Week is: Oconomowoc at Slinger!Thanks for voting! 

Bradley Tech Stops Reagan 34-16

MILWAUKEE (WITI)  -- Milwaukee Bradley Tech advances to 3-0 in the City Richardson Conference Friday night after beating Milwaukee Reagan 34-16.

High School Blitz Game of the Week

We're already gearing up for week six of the high school football season, and conferences are still up for grabs.