Missing Milwaukee tortoise Louise found

Escaped and wandering the busy streets of Milwaukee, Louise the pet tortoise had quite the adventure. FOX6 News was there for her reunion with her family on Wednesday.

Cedarburg snow shovelers battle wind, erasing their progress

The winter storm Wednesday brought heavy snow to parts of southeast Wisconsin, including Cedarburg. Many saw all forms of precipitation, including snow, sleet and freezing rain, along with wind blowing the snow around, leading to poor visibility and erasing the progress of those trying to clean it up.

Cedarburg snow shovelers battle wind, erasing their progress

The winter storm Wednesday brought heavy snow to parts of southeast Wisconsin, including Cedarburg. Many saw all forms of precipitation, including snow, sleet and freezing rain, along with wind blowing the snow around, leading to poor visibility and erasing the progress of those trying to clean it up.