WHS launches $5.4 million fundraising campaign to build new Racine shelter

RACINE -- The Wisconsin Humane Society (WHS) has launched a $5.4 million capital campaign to construct a new facility to replace their existing building in Racine.According to WHS, they hope to build a state-of-the-art animal shelter and adoption center at the northeaster corner of 16th and 90th streets in Mount Pleasant, where they purchased land in late 2016.

"His future is bright:" Enzi, African lion born at Racine Zoo moving to Michigan

RACINE -- The Racine Zoo announced on Monday, July 17th that the last of their African male lion cubs, Enzi, will be moved from the Racine Zoo to Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek, Michigan, on July 21st.According to a press release, Enzi was born July 7th, 2014 at the Racine Zoo and he was one of three cubs born to sire lion Aslan and mother Azizi.

Racine officials: Residents along Root River should be "vigilant and watchful" for next 24 to 36 hours

RACINE -- The Racine Police Department on Thursday, July 13th released new information on the potential for flooding within the city along the Root River Basin.Officials say the rainfall has not been as severe in the Root River Basin as along the Fox River Basin, and at this time, it is not anticipated that they will experience flooding along the Root River within the city.That being said, officials are still encouraging residents along the Root River to be vigilant and watchful for the next 24 to 36 hours, and if they should notice any significant and rapid rising of the river level, to report it to the Racine County Communications Center at (262) 886-2300.Citizens are also strongly cautioned to stay off and out of the Root River as the increased water volume and strong currents can quickly overcome even the strongest and most experienced swimmers and boaters.The City of Racine Departments will continue to work together to monitor conditions along the Root River and to provide timely updates should conditions change.

Racine Zoo events in May

RACINE -- Beth Heidorn and Paul Miller with the Racine Zoo visited the WakeUp studio with details on exciting events taking place in May of 2017.For more on the Racine Zoo events, CLICK HERE.

Happy birthday: TWIN baby tamarins, born at the Racine Zoo, turn ONE!

RACINE -- TWIN baby tamarins, born at the Racine Zoo, turned ONE on Tuesday, April 18th!Avril and Francois weighed in at 1.4 and 1.7 ounces each at birth.Emperor tamarins are primates known for their small size and signature long, white mustaches.Elizabeth Heidorn, executive director of the Racine Zoo said the following in a news release after their birth:

Racine town hall urges Speaker Ryan to block moves by President Trump

RACINE -- Several groups came together to host a town hall in Racine on Saturday, April 1st urging House Speaker Paul Ryan to block moves by President Donald Trump.Voces de la Frontera, national day laborer organizing network and the Fair Immigration Reform Movement put together the event.