Become a FOX6 Future Forecaster; everything you need to know | FOX6 Milwaukee

Become a FOX6 Future Forecaster; everything you need to know

FOX6 and Chief Meteorologist Rob Haswell are looking for some smart, fun, and weather-loving kids to help with the weather forecast Friday mornings on WakeUp News. If you have a 6- to 12-year-old child who is into weather and wants to show their stuff, then we want to hear from you!

Submit a child to be a Future Forecaster

Upload a video audition of your 6- to 12-year-old doing their forecast. Fill out the audition submission form completely, and you’ll be in the running. FOX6 staff will periodically review all entries and Future Forecasters who are selected to join Rob on WakeUp will be officially invited by phone and/or email. Approximately two (2) Future Forecasters will be selected to appear on WakeUp each month. Future Forecaster appearances are scheduled two to four weeks in advance.


  • Child may be entered by their parent or legal guardian only (no grandparents, aunts/uncles, friends, etc. as a parent or legal guardian is the only one able to consent to the required release form).
  • Video audition should be no longer than 1 minute, 30 seconds in length.
  • Video should include your child giving their pretend weather forecast. Video of your child at the family picnic, school play or chasing the dog is adorable, but we really need to see their love of all things weather and how they do the forecast.

See some of the Future Forecasters that have already been on FOX6 WakeUp News

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