Over 100 salt trucks deployed Monday morning to tackle snowy conditions

MILWAUKEE — The Milwaukee Department of Public Works geared up to handle the snow affecting southern Wisconsin Monday, Nov. 11.

DPW officials said shortly before midnight, 103 salt trucks began a general ice control. Anti-icing deicing benefits can last more than 72 hours and help prevent slippery conditions on the elevated surfaces which are the first to freeze.

This, as a winter weather advisory was issued for Jefferson, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Racine, Walworth and Waukesha counties until 3 p.m. (noon in Jefferson).

The FOX6 Weather Experts said an additional two to four inches was possible Monday morning -- and snow would be moving out by Monday afternoon, with highs in the low to mid-20s, falling into the single digits Monday night.

Garbage Collection: No impact anticipated although leaf collection was suspended. The same drivers on the crews that collect leaves were pulled to drive salt trucks. DPW officials said they would be reviewing the leaf collection workload to determine extra hours/day collection schedules. 

Parking: No Impact anticipated.