After inaugural event last August, no sales tax holiday for back-to-school shoppers in 2019

MILWAUKEE -- There will be no sales tax holiday for back-to-school shoppers in 2019.

Wisconsin's inaugural sales tax holiday was Aug. 1-5, 2018, after Scott Walker signed legislation enacting the five-day event. Walker, who was up for re-election at the time, was defeated in November by Governor Tony Evers.

During the five-day period, shoppers could buy select clothing, technology, and other supplies without paying the 5% sales tax. The tax-free weekend was also beneficial for a lot of stores in the state.

"It helps all the retailers when we have the tax free, because they would buy the bigger stuff," Don Mettler, Meijer store manager told WLUK. "If you had a student going back to college, they would buy things like furniture, desks, and that kind of stuff."

According to WLUK, Governor Evers confirmed the state would not participate in the event in 2019. WLUK reported Governor Evers said it was a one-time deal enacted under the former Republican governor.

"I think parents are going to be purchasing school supplies whether they have an incentive or not," Governor Evers told WLUK. "I just don't think the incentive actually worked."

According to WLUK, shoppers in 16 states would be able to take advantage of a sales tax holiday in 2019, down from a peak of 19 in 2010.

People Scott WalkerPeople Tony Evers