Household pests and rodents; Contact 6 answers questions
MILWAUKEE - Contact 6 is answering questions about household pests and rodents. We are accepting submissions until Monday, March 10.
We have experts (PJ Winkelmann, Advanced Wildlife & Pest Control and Otto Oemig, Agrichemical Management Bureau) ready to answer your questions about household pests like rodents, insects and bedbugs as well as pesticides. We will answer as many questions as possible during an upcoming Ask Contact 6 segment. The video will be posted on FOX LOCAL, a free TV streaming app, on Friday, March 14.
Having a problem with household pests, rodents?
Contact 6 is answering questions about household pests and rodents. We are accepting submissions until Monday, March 10.
Please try to keep your submission brief. Video submissions should be less than one minute long. Written submissions may be paraphrased or shortened for time. Please include your first name and city.