Child porn case, Racine middle school employee accused

Nicholas Wotnoske

A Racine middle school employee has been charged with sexual exploitation of a child and more than a dozen counts of child pornography possession.

Prosecutors accuse 27-year-old Nicholas Wotnoske, who worked as a second-shift custodian at Mitchell Middle School, of having numerous images and videos that contained child porn. A preliminary review found more than 44,000 illegal images, the sheriff's office said.

An investigation began in late May. According to a criminal complaint, a Racine County sheriff's investigator learned of "multiple different connections and downloads" from the same IP address. Those connections were found in Hartford, Janesville, Kenosha County and the state of Oregon. The IP address was linked to Wotnoske's address.

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Investigators searched Wotnoske's home and uncovered various electronic items that ultimately were found to contain the illegal material, the sheriff's office said. Once in custody, the sheriff's office said Wotnoski admitted to downloading, possessing and distributing child sexual abuse material.

Court records show Wotnoski made his initial court appearance on Tuesday. His cash bail was set at $50,000.